Sunday, March 29, 2009

Round ten. Fight!

So this week I presented a little more of my work.
I like what I had written this week a lot more than what I wrote first.

I got some really positive feedback from a lot of people and that was greatly appreciated.

Some things I need to work on are:
Varying the passages a little bit. I need to keep things a bit more interesting.
Changing pitch centers/modulating

I had intentions of modulating so I guess I will start putting that in now!

Have a good night!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Round nine. Fight!

so this journal should bring me up to date!

I presented what I had written on Sibelius this past Monday.
I am a little unsure of what I have but I got some feedback that made me feel a bit better about it.
I feel like I really need reassurance to keep going.

Simon said he definitely got a darkness and a lightness from my piece and that was really nice to hear. Others seemed to enjoy it as well.

Some things I could add are little melody lines that connect the chords and having different ranges and broken chords as well.

I was told to keep going and I think that's because there is not a lot of time left!

I'm sure I'll write something that I'm content with. (hopefully)


Round eight. Fight!

I'm a little behind with my journal making but that's just because I've been busy with other stuff.

So this post is for March 9th!

I presented what I had on the piano and it seemed to go over well.
I got a lot of feedback that day.

We took a sort of tally of what I had and went from there.
What I wanted to create was something that was based on clusters and that sounded spacey.

I was told that I should widen the space between the notes because that'll create a very "space-like" effect. I'm definitely going to try that.

I was also told that I could have a cluster in the piano and have the strings create another chord that crescendos out of that chord. That's definitely a neat idea and I plan on using that as well.

I was really appreciative of the feedback and although I haven't used it all yet I definitely plan on incorporating it at some point!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Round seven. Fight!

Hello all.
Just doing a quick little update here.
So composition number one is complete and has been preformed. 
Overall I think it went well. A lot of people seemed to enjoy it. (and the tree... I mean and I was happy.)   

...yeah that was lame.

Anyways. On to composition number two!

I was going to write for string quartet and piano or as Dylan pointed out a Piano quintet.
My main idea for this is to use cluster chords and suspensions.
I might play a little somethin' somethin' on Friday to get some feedback on the idea.
I might even change the instrumentation because what I want is more piano based I think.

Oh well, I'm sure the class can help me out with that.

That's all for now!